“…we tried to carry this message…” Step 12
“Participation is the key to harmony.” Concept 4
Because of those who serve, we have Al-Anon, and those who serve are served all the more. It is through service that the ultimate authority in Al-Anon lies with the groups. We all have talents, something to give. As our focus shifts away from others and onto ourselves, we learn to love ourselves, and a love of service evolves naturally.
About Service
Group Service
D-10 Business
Group Rep
District Service
Service Manual
Area Service
Alateen Service
About Service
Anything we do that helps Al-Anon to continue and grow and provide recovery to those who have been affected by another’s drinking, is service. If our involvement in Al-Anon consists only of reading and listening about it, then we are not yet in service. If we talk to others at a meeting, or share our story, or help set up the meeting, or clean up afterward, or attend a business meeting, we are carrying the message. We are in service, and our recovery accelerates. If we volunteer for a service position in our home group, like hospitality, or literature, or secretary, then our recovery accelerates again. The reason it accelerates is because it makes us feel good about ourselves. It reminds us that we are valuable and capable, and appreciated. When we feel better about ourselves, our ability to help others is increased. The more we help, the more we are helped. The more we carry the message, the more we get the message.
District 10 Service
“District 10 Service” refers to the Al-Anon service positions that comprise the District 10 “Panel”; these are elected positions that have a term of three years. Terms all start on Jan 1, following elections held prior to that, typically in the preceding September, at the District 10 Business Meeting. This allows time for the outgoing panel to work with the new panel and smooth the transition. The panel is composed of officers and coordinators; they meet monthly at the District 10 Business Meeting, along with all the Group Representatives (G.R.s) from District 10.
Area 3 Service (NCWSA)
“Area 3 Service” or “NCWSA service, refers to Al-Anon service positions that comprise the NCWSA “Panel”; these are elected positions that have a term of three years. As in a district, the Area panel consists of officers and coordinators. Together with the D.R.s the officers form the NCWSC — Northern California World Service Committee. Area level terms all start on Jan 1, following elections held prior to that, typically at the “Elections Assembly”, attended by the G.R.s and D.R.s of all districts in Area 3, and the current NCWSA panel. The NCWSC attends all Assemblies, and also has meetings of its own. Assemblies are large meetings, bringing together all of the G.R.s, D.R.s, District panels, and the NCWSA panel (and any other Al-Anon members who want to attend. Area 3 service position descriptions can be found HERE.
Group Service
“Group service” refers to contributions you make to the effectiveness of any Al-Anon Family Group that you attend. Group service is practice at giving without trying to control; we don’t try to run the group, we try to help the group run.
Informal Group Service
There are many informal ways to be of service to your group:
- welcome a newcomer, or talk to them after the meeting
- help set up chairs and tables
- do one of the readings at the beginning of the meeting
- help clean up after the meeting
- share your experience during the meeting
- attend the group business meeting
Elected Group Service
Volunteer for a service position for a fixed amount of time:
Each group decides what service positions they want to have, the terms of service, and the duties ascribed to the position, except for the Group Representative, whose duties are largely spelled out in the Al-Anon Service Manual. Here are some examples of these positions. Elections take place a group business meetings, even if there is only one candidate. Here are some examples of group service positions:
- hospitality
- literature
- secretary (can be a shared position)
- treasurer
- alternate group representative
- group representative
The one connection between Al-Anon and an Al-Anon group is the group representative — the “G.R.” A group with no G.R. is disconnected, so it is a very important position.